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Aircraft Maintenance

Working to keep the fleet flying

Much work goes into the general operation and management of an aircraft, beginning with a sound solid maintenance program. AERO Missions takes no short-cuts to ensuring our aircraft are airworthy and fit for use. We want to stress to our missionary pilots the importance of safety and maintaining keen attention to detail: before, during, and after every flight.

At present, AERO Missions' maintenance inspections and general routine maintenance needs are out-sourced to a local mechanic in the Birmingham area with whom we have a sound, working relationship.  Certain preventative maintenance tasks are accomplished by our ministry pilots in accordance with FAR Part 43 Appendix D.

Missionary pilots typically are not afforded the luxury of having a modern-day aviation maintenance shop with a full-time mechanic and staff at their disposal.  On the contrary, the pilot, in many cases, must serve in the role of aircraft mechanic.

The FAA provides a few avenues for an individual to obtain his Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) license.  AERO Missions offers guidance and instruction to our pilots regarding their options for completing this training.

Our future plans include an internal program within our ministry whereby our pilots can simultaneously acquire their A&P license while working through their flight ratings.

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PO Box 304, Sylacauga, AL 35150

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